Surprise, The Matrix 4 Will Feature Another Returning Actor From The Original Trilogy


This news comes to us from Deadline, and is sure to excite the hardcore Matrix fans out there who are eager to see what Lana Wachowski has in store for the upcoming sequel. The movie was given a ton of advanced credit for its inclusion of original cast members, although there are some notable absences. Daniel Bernhardt's Agent Johnson made a serious impression in The Matrix Reloaded, and it'll be interesting to see how he factors into this new mysterious story.

Having Agent Johnson return to the franchise with The Matrix 4 makes a great deal of sense, as he was a character added to the very first sequel The Matrix Reloaded. He was one of the elite agents tasked with killing Neo, Morpheus, and The Keymaker. While not as meaty of a character as Hugo Weaving's Agent Smith, actor Daniel Bernhardt did a ton of thrilling action sequences throughout the course of the movie's 138-minute runtime.

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