Babies and residual self image

edited July 2011 in The Matrix
Here is my theory about babies and residual self image:

In the first movie Morpheus gives Neo the red pill and then leads him into the room where the crew members begin the process of acquiring Thomas Anderson's location within the power house/tower. The pill they give him was a program written so that they would be able to find him and thus free him from the matrix. When the crew is able to lock on to Neo's location in the power house they are then able to download his mind (which was previously in the matrix) to his body. They rejoined the mind and the body. The joining of the mind and the body causes someone to wake up in the real world. (Evidence for this is exemplified by the act of pulling the plug on someone while they are in the matrix. Pulling the plug on them causes them to die because the mind and body connection is severed.) When Neo wakes up we see that he lacks hair and skin tone and any other sort of identifying physical attributes. This is all background for my theory that a person in a pod is not really a person at all. It is just the platonic version of a body. When the mind is downloaded to the body then that body becomes the embodiment of the mind that is in the matrix. When two people have sex in the matrix and get pregnant that child's DNA is then used to create a residual self image of the child. If the child should ever grow up and awake in the real world, it would have to be a result of the unification of the mind and body. All that DNA is data. That data can be used to take a 'blank' body and turn it into whatever that DNA said the residual self image was. (Parallel to this from the movie the Sixth day. "Blank" bodies can be seen taking the form of a specific person via DNA data.)
You see, every body that is generating energy for the machines is almost the same. When two people create a human child in the matrix their DNA code is used to create another DNA code that takes on a new person. That new DNA code can then be assigned to any number of the platonic bodies that match the age or sex that the DNA code specifies. When the DNA code that represents the residual self image in the matrix meets up with a body that is jacked in this results in someone waking up. All that a sperm and egg really is is just data. DNA. The machines can use DNA to build the basic structure of a human without the need for actual sex to be taken place. It is very efficient, just like a machine would be.


  • edited April 2011
    Mhm, well, what I wonder now is: how does anyone get a residual self image, when they were not awake in the real world first? The term residual self image implies that it's derived from somewhere, the remainder of something. Obviously the residual self image matches the general looks of the real body. So, the information that is known to the machines about the looks of a body is fed to the mind and therefore residual self image and real physical appearance generally match. Hence it seems unlikely that the bodies are all nearly the same and could be arbitrarily allocated to a newborn mind in the matrix. The machines breed bodies, they put them in the power plant and they make sure the story inside the matrix brings the right people together whose DNA was used to create the child. Which opens the subject of whether there is free will...
    It seems a lot of trouble for machines, that simply need energy, to even care about matching bodies to the story inside the matrix. But then... the whole movie is an allegory. It's not so much about what machines would really do in order to generate power. It's more about the fact that we are not nearly as much in control of our lives as we like to believe. So, that brings in the element of purposeful creation and in that case it seems feasible that they go through the trouble to create all individual bodies with individual characteristics and individual minds.
  • edited May 2011's_nde.htm


    Buddhists believe that they are temporary vessels in this world and that until they attain enlightenment or Buddhahood, they do not know their own self or soul.
    They believe that this world is an illusion and that as a result, one can not know one’s true nature."

    Regarding the computer Matrix, today, in this illusory "Space/Time " "Construct" and Matrix, we are talking about light synapsis, instead of metal, microscopic chips, bio chips...quantum computing. This "World", in time and space, with it's attending history herein, is a "Construct", which is what people discover when they are "out of body" and apart from, "Here". St Paul was an Experiencer. Many Christians don't know this regarding Acts 14:19, and, his statements about it in 2 Corinthians 12.

    You are certainly more than this apparent, "Organic", and evolved animal/mammal, in the "Construct". The greater reality and situation being apart from time.

    End time prophecies are now occurring, as we observe. All around, the Glaciers melting, rising seas, and cooling of the warm currrents affecting the weather, with attending, "Sea and waves roaring", and "Earthquakes in diverse places"...."Perplexity of nations", and regarding this modern, "global community". (Babylon)
    Mathew 24.

    "You've been living in a dream world, Neo" "A prison for your mind."
  • edited May 2011

    Buddhists believe that they are temporary vessels in this world and that until they attain enlightenment or Buddhahood, they do not know their own self or soul.
    They believe that this world is an illusion and that as a result, one can not know one’s true nature."

    You are certainly more than this apparent, "Organic", and evolved animal/mammal, in the "Construct". The greater reality and situation being apart from time.

    "You've been living in a dream world, Neo" "A prison for your mind."

    People have no idea ... at all. I recommend to study the old vedic scriptures. Whosever has understanding and discernment will have a revelation or two. The Matrix, however, is an insufficient metaphore for reality and what's really going on. But close enough to make people investigate.
    The hang up with the Matrix is that it makes people think that their bodies are the real deal and the mind is imprisoned. Actually it's the other way around. The body isn't the real thing and the mind is the tool of imprisonment. Enlightenment doesn't happen to the mind. It happens inspite of the mind. Go figure. ;-)
  • edited May 2011
    "The hang up with the Matrix is that it makes people think that their bodies are the real deal and the mind is imprisoned. Actually it's the other way around. The body isn't the real thing and the mind is the tool of imprisonment. Enlightenment doesn't happen to the mind. It happens inspite of the mind. Go figure. ;-)"

    That's an interesting way of looking at it!
    Depends on how you think of, "Mind", though. No? Thinking of God, and, "The Conscious Universe"?
    Now, the character Morpheus in the movie stated, "You've been living in a dream world , Neo"..."A prison for your mind." But, you are saying that the mind is the prison.
    In your perspective, I think you are speaking to, really, the brain, or, local mind. But many believe that, "mind", of course, is more than merely this, "transciever", the brain.
    That, like the T.V. or any instrument, the Mind still functions despite interference, or the destruction of the instrument. That, the instrument is merely, a, "virtual" tool, in agreement with say, "The Holographic Universe".
    Part of the body that is not the, "real deal".
    So, in thinking about classic Christian teachings, one might say, "The Mind" is about, "The Fall"? And then, leading to other conclusion as to what the, "World" really is, also, in agreement with Einstein's statement...
    "Reality is an illusion, albeit, a very persistent one." And, with the above cited book.

    And, this seems to be borne out also by the many Near death Experiences, such as you can read at, NDERF.ORG.
  • edited May 2011
    SERAPH wrote: »

    In your perspective, I think you are speaking to, really, the brain, or, local mind. But many believe that, "mind", of course, is more than merely this, "transciever", the brain.
    That, like the T.V. or any instrument, the Mind still functions despite interference, or the destruction of the instrument. That, the instrument is merely, a, "virtual" tool, in agreement with say, "The Holographic Universe".

    Certainly a definition is needed to avoid misunderstanding. With "mind" I relate to thinking, cognition. I don't know if you ever meditated, and if so, if you ever went where mind doesn't go. Since near death experiences fascinate you I would assume you have not left the realm of mind so far. So I can only try to describe without being sure it will be understood.

    The idea of "me", of a personality with certain character traits, is created and maintained by the mind. What we call "I" or "the individual self" is merely an idea, it is composed of thoughts about that "I". When the thoughts disappear the "I" disappears. What remains is pure consciouness and perception - without thoughts that label whatever is perceived. This can be experienced in deep meditation. This consciousness is what really remains when the body dies.

    However, there are also differences in death, that is in the level on which you continue to exist. The people who describe an NDE are all thinking, are aware of a personality, and in some sense have a body that's less dense than matter but nonetheless solid on the level of existence that they are experiencing. This body is usually called the etheric body - it consists of energy and energy in itself is consciousness in motion. So, clearly, it is not the brain that thinks. Mind is not the brain. The brain, just like the rest of the material body is a fascinatingly organised pile of cells with no inherent intelligence or life. Only when the body is inhabited by a conscious being, a soul as we would commonly say, does it function. When that consciouness leaves the body, it is again just an unintelligent pile of cells that will rot. So, mind exists independently, with and without a dense material body.

    Mind is the creator of "you". Without mind there is no "you" or "I". If you so want, mind is the architect in the Matrix. It names things, gives them a purpose, puts things in relationship to each other and puts them to use. Where mind begins pure perception ends. Where mind is there is a story. It's the story teller of this entire creation. And "you" are trapped in the story. "You" exists only as long as the mind keeps telling the story of "you". You are trapped in the mind. No mind, no you. That's why the mind or the "I", the personality, never becomes enlightened. The personality is part of a story and enlightenment looks at that story and sees that it's a story, that the personality is a story. And then the story can be continued or it can be dropped. It doesn't really matter. What is enlightened is pure consciousness - or your soul, if you want to put it that way.
    The mind is the prison that keeps reinforcing itself because it fears it's own destruction. When thoughts stop the mind disappears and the whole story disappears - the matrix disappears. And at that point you see what really remains and who or what really exists when the story is finished. There is no body then, not even an etheric body having an NDE. And that's the twist The Matrix doesn't plainly show. It shows you that when the story inside the matrix is finished you come to see yourself in your real body. However, if you wanted to show what it's really like, then the story finishes and there is no body - nobody. Just pure consciounsess remains - and within pure consciousness the story happens, mind happens. But how would you show pure consciousness, that is no thing (nothing) on a movie screen? Neo's death and his moving in and out of the Matrix and doing whatever he likes points to the real thing. So yeah, The Matrix is as close as you can get with the medium of film. The matrix is the mind. Neo can't do whatever he wants with his physical body. But he can see without physical eyes. Consciousness sees energy (which also consists of consciousness and forms solid matter). And his consciousness has power over whatever the mind has created. It can go anywhere and make changes as it sees fit. However this touches a concept that's really far out there and that's why it's hardly ever picked up.

    In case I lost you: meditate, find a teacher, study the vedic scriptures, ask lots of questions, believe nothing you're told until you figure it out yourself and keep on looking deeper. And enjoy the ride!:p
  • edited June 2011
    What remains is pure consciouness and perception - without thoughts that label whatever is perceived. This can be experienced in deep meditation.

    Very deep indeed. Do you usually label stuff, when you look out of the window? I don't.
  • edited July 2011
    Of course you don't consciously label them. But you know what you're looking at. When you look out the window you know that a tree is a tree and a car is a car and the green stuff on the ground is gras and the blue above is the sky. What if you did not know anything at all, had no name for anything? You would see stuff and not know what you're looking at (like a baby that has no concept of anything). You would stand in pure amazement. All you do then is perceive, you see colors and shapes but you don't know what exactly you are perceiving, whether what you see is good or broken or requiring action and in that moment you simply don't care. Our ability to see things around us as distinct items is acquired through training. Our brains had to learn to see, to tell what's far away and what's nearby, what's flat and what has depth to it, it learned to interprete sound and understand language, separate important sounds from background noise. It's kind of like using filters in order to tell what the world around you looks, sounds, smells, feels like and what it means for you - even when you don't consciously think about it. Pure perception has no filter (which is not really great for functioning in this world and keeping your body from harm - but then, meditation never cared about that).

    Btw. I'm not talking about a concept or a philosophy or something I read somewhere. This stuff is from experience and I did indeed go through training to learn how to unlearn everything my brain thinks it knows about the world, learn to perceive outside the senses my body is equiped with. Now I can switch between mind and no-mind, which really means nothing, except that it reminds me that I am not the body or the brain or the mind - which again means nothing much, because we're all bound to the rules of this world as long as we live on this planet.
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